Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Sailing home to Falmouth

Oil on Canvas 30" x 24"
Going to be in the Lander Gallery show: Fire Earth & Water April-May 2012

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Oil Painting of Porthcurnick beach Near Portscatho Cornwall

Porthcurnick Beach
Third Sitting, added shadow and tone

Second Sitting.
Need to try and catch the light more as it glances off the rocks. I am going to leave this for a while to let it dry as the colours are in risk of becoming "muddy".

First sitting of Oil Painting A3 Oil on Board

Pencil on paper A3

I sketched the beach today to plan for a new oil painting. The weather was cold with hazy sun as a weather front came over Cornwall, rain to come while the rest of the country will get snow!